Our Family Vision

To be a model family where every individual is dedicated to love God whole heartedly and love each other unconditionally. Living lives in accordance to the holy scripture and doing our best to honor our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, September 21, 2007

BabyPok 3rd Scan (8th Week)

Dear BabyPok,

You are at your 8th week, 2nd day as we visited Dr Tan again at the clinic.

Daddy and Mummy arrived at the clinic at about 930am and Mummy had her first external scan today. Dr Tan put some "jelly" liked gel on Mummy's stomach and we saw you again on the screen!!

Dr Tan praised you and said that you are a good (guai) baby. You are growing really fast; grown 4 times larger compared to your last scan. Your "swimming pool" also got bigger! You are about 1.74cm big now. We saw your head and also your heart beat. I thought I could see your limbs but doctor told us to wait a few more weeks before your limbs will be visible to us. Can't wait to see those limbs that will do many wonderful things for the Lord..

You are a good baby, Mummy is not having too much difficulty having you, most pregnant mummies will feel nausea or puke but Mummy only get a little bloated stomach but her appetite definitely increased! Keep it this way, let mummy enjoys the process of having you...

We are going to see you again in 3 weeks time. Hopefully by then, we can see you "waving" at us with your little hands!!

Daddy & Mummy love you..

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