Our Family Vision

To be a model family where every individual is dedicated to love God whole heartedly and love each other unconditionally. Living lives in accordance to the holy scripture and doing our best to honor our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, September 21, 2007

BabyPok 2nd Scan (6th Week)

Dear BabyPok,

Daddy can finally be around for the 2nd routine check up. On the 18th Sept, Saturday, We were all so anxious because we were told that maybe we will be able to see your little heart beating..

Daddy witnessed this life beating in Mummy's womb for the very first time. Your heart is beating at about 130+ beats per min. That's very fast. But Daddy's heart is beating that fast too. My heart was filled with tremendous joy and excitement that cannot be described..

Can you see yourself in the picture? That you!!! You are only about 37mm long. That's the size of a sesame seed. So small, but yet so precious to Daddy and Mummy.

In that scan, I saw the birth of life....I saw the creation of God... I saw the gift of God to us...

Daddy and Mummy love you..

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