Our Family Vision

To be a model family where every individual is dedicated to love God whole heartedly and love each other unconditionally. Living lives in accordance to the holy scripture and doing our best to honor our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Baby Josiah 37th Week (Full Term)

Hi Josiah,

Finally you are all ready to come into this world. This afternoon, Daddy and Mummy visited Dr Tan to see your progress and we are so thrill to know that you are in "position" to come out soon! Mummy is already 2 cm dilated and has been getting false contraction for the last 2 weeks. All the discomfort is for the preparation of your arrival. Are you feeling really comfortable in Mummy's womb?

Daddy and mummy got your bed all fixed up, its just right in front of our own bed. Every night, we will stare into the empty bed and allow our imagination to run wild; seeing you there and hearing your cries for our attention. Josiah, its not too long before our imagination will turn into a reality. Do you know we have been waiting so long for this day...

Dr Tan says that you can come out any time and you weigh over 3kg now, all ready to pop out! We have been trying to guess when is your birthday but i think we are going to leave it all to you when you want your birthday to be. Daddy and Mummy will continue to wait patiently..maybe the next time I write to you will be the time you are right in my arms...

Josiah, Daddy and Mummy love you.

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