Our Family Vision

To be a model family where every individual is dedicated to love God whole heartedly and love each other unconditionally. Living lives in accordance to the holy scripture and doing our best to honor our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Baby Josiah 25th Week

Dear Josiah,

Daddy and Mummy attended our ever first Antenatal class to learn about you last Thursday. It was so exciting to see so many parents gathering together to learn how to take care of their little ones when they are born. The class teacher was very professional and experience as she shared with us many things. She made me put on a funny ' belly suit' that will allow me to experience how mummy feels when she carry you. Now I know it's certainly a big, big sacrifice and hard work for mummy and not to mention the other effects of pregnancy. When you grow up, please really treasure and love mummy k!

The teacher taught me the steps to communicate with you by gently massaging Mummy's belly. 4 very easy steps and you will respond to me. It was an awesome experience and I kept doing it when we were back home. You won't believe how I must have felt as you responded to my touch each time. Josiah, it's only 3 more months and the threesome family life starts in this house. Daddy, mummy and Josiah.

Josiah, Daddy and Mummy love you.

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