Our Family Vision

To be a model family where every individual is dedicated to love God whole heartedly and love each other unconditionally. Living lives in accordance to the holy scripture and doing our best to honor our Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 17, 2007

BabyPok 20th Week

Hi Baby Josiah,

Daddy is writing to you from the airport as I am waiting for my flight to China again. So happy to be able to see you in great "detail" this afternoon. I was almost moved to tears as I see your little toes wriggling, your little fingers moving and your jaws were moving too... Are you singing to daddy and mummy already??? We were so happy to know that you are a boy. Grandpa and grandma are all happy too. We can start decorating your room soon. What will you like your room be? Don't worry, I will make sure that it's will be a cosy, warm and a loving room where daddy and mummy will read stories for you every night before you sleep.

Daddy and Mummy decided to name you Josiah which means "Jehovah Helps". You will be a baby that will lean on the anointing and power of God. Josiah will reign like a king and love God with all his heart. Josiah, we know that when you grow up, you will live up to your name and show people who our God is. Indeed our God helps...

Waiting for the day that I can hold your little hands, wearing the same t shirt, style the same hair (like daddy's spiky hair) going out to play. I am sure we will be more that just father and son, we will be the best buddies! I got so much to teach and show you..

Josiah, please let mummy know that you love her to but giving her a gentle nudge everyday. I will be back 4 days later and then we will see each other once again!! Josiah, you are the King! You have been crowned the goodness and mercy of the Lord! Grow strong baby...

Daddy & Mummy love you...

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