Our Family Vision

To be a model family where every individual is dedicated to love God whole heartedly and love each other unconditionally. Living lives in accordance to the holy scripture and doing our best to honor our Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Hi BabyPok, Daddy and Mummy have been thinking of you so much these few days. Today, we visited the medical center that Mummy will be staying when she deliver you. We were introduced to the different wards, facilities and our imagination went "wild" when we had a glimpse of the baby ward. I was thinking of you lying on the soft small bed, cuddling in the soft white towel. The medical center is filled with "LIFE".We saw many new parents with us on the tour today. Daddy also saw a few mummies discharging from the center with their newborn in their arms. I can't wait to have you in my arms. Mummy told me it's still 5 more months to go but daddy is already counting down every single day to your arrival.
I was asking myself what would I want to see my child be when you grow up. I think my answer is that you will be a happy person and someone God will mightily use, most importantly obedience to His calling. Daddy didn't do well in my studies when I was young, lost many opportunities and failed a number of times. If God can lift me up again and again, leads me into my calling and serve Him, I can't imagine what He can do with a family who is dedicated to love Him.
Can you listen to the songs that is played on your blog? This will be the first song that I will teach you when you learn how to sing. It goes.. "Yes Jesus loves me, for the bible tells me so..."
BabyPok, God loves you very very much
Daddy & Mummy love you too..

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